Tuesday, May 27, 2014

a note on crises

i won't lie, i'm a big fan of crisis management.  i have a high threshold to be fully engaged and excited.  variables, logistics, the works.  it's a better alternative to daytrading, sometimes.  it requires creative solutions usually in an extremely limited time frame.  i put on my stoic face and it's game time.

it's also something i look for in most people i want to work with because life is full of crises, and few the same.

but what is a crisis?  how do they happen?  imho, they shouldn't happen, but life's full of surprises.  sometimes there's no way of forecasting them, but rarely so.  it takes a convergence of errors - which amounts to a very specific permutation - for a crisis to happen: a shortage of resources, unintended outcomes, poor risk management, and so on.  and from the risk management side, disregard.

so while i have no issue dealing with crises, it annoys me when they are foreseeable and are a result of lackadaisical morons.  and there's a fairly high threshold for an incident to be a crisis.  of course, you're welcome to drop the bar as low as you want, but you're making a mountain of a molehill.

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