Sunday, February 10, 2013


benadrly, you're my favorite drug
you give my H1 receptors a hug

you're an antihistamine
and go by diphenhidramine

you stick quite well to my proteins
counter reactions to nuts and soy beans

you block my serotonin reuptake
all for happiness' sake

you bring sleep in an hr or two
in counting sheep's lieu

i've yet to encounter tachyphylaxis
so taking you can be a praxis

i can take you when i'm sneezy
or even when i'm queasy

cause you're a great antiemetic
and even good for the frenetic

you've got many an off label use
but not likely to encounter abuse

parkinson's got nothing on you
who makes it easier to tie a shoe

that's why you easily top my list
you're my favorite inverse antagonist

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