patrick henry got his liberty alright, but he died of stomach cancer 23 years later. there is no such thing as right to healthcare. of course, by developing a complex government, bells, whistles, legislature complete, we can create these so called rights and define them, morality in tow. but of course, there's the concept of basic human rights. sure, we're all born free and equal, for a millisecond or two. and then life comes into focus and everything becomes relative. but all that aside, how can we say that healthcare is a right? it's a privilege. it's a privilege to be born or even living in a developed country. it's a privilege to be in an area with healthcare or some semblance of it. it's a privilege that darwinism doesn't predispose some of us to cancer, diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and the works. it's a privilege to have potable water, devoid of typhoid, hep a, cholera, and schisto. it's a privilege to have all of our basic human needs met in excess that we begin to think that access to healthcare is a right. it's a bloody privilege to be able to eat healthy, to have a job that pays enough and gives you enough hours in a day to make healthy eating a priority, to even know what health is. yes, these are all privileges.
as a wealthy nation where (fabricate large number) percent of the population suffers from issues where people around the world would consider it a privilege to have to worry about such things, sure, we are obligated to provide support abroad. but locally, the government is also responsible. but until every government pays for every medical student to attend school and pays for every hospital in every nook and butt crack of the world for every patient, healthcare can not be a right. if your country does not have a government, please disregard, crawl into a hole, and cross your fingers.
The Truth About Good Girls
8 years ago
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