means me grow tall some day. no, not really.
so my parents were a bit dismayed by my height after seeing my cousin. but since i'm a lactard, they decided to buy me a case of soymilk.
my momma didn't raise no fool - and since i'm generally wary of information - and since i was dubious as to the content of calcium in asian soymilk, i set out on a mission to debunk this spurious notion correlating soymilk and growth.
i preliminarily found that soymilk is not only noncontributory to growth, but it may also stunt it as it hinders the absorption of calcium and zinc. so lots of soy = brittle little asian people? maybe. just maybe. on the upside, soymilk estrogen won't give you breasts. clearly. kidding. ;)
of course as soon as i stumbled upon this tidbit of information, i phoned my parents to rub it in their faces (very lovingly) that they were wrong. my dad then sided with me joking that midget bean plants would clearly stunt your growth.
myth busted. is that copyright/trademarked? myth debunked.
The Truth About Good Girls
8 years ago
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