What is it with everyone and their backwards racism. Yes, it's more backwards and ignorant than a hillbilly. And why is everyone pointing fingers? Let me be puerile for a moment to humor you finger pointers. Everyone who knew this Seung Hui and blacklisted him a pariah in all their social circles is to blame, no? Taunt him and ostracize him to the edge of loneliness. Sure he was mentally waay off his rocker, but isn't there a common theme to many of these killings? Shove someone into solitude until he or she has nothing left to lose and he or she will be your nemesis, delivering a message of social acceptance which your kids don't know because of your ignorance. Actually, maybe it was God's fault. This ubiquitous and omnipotent fellow. What happens is intended to happen. Yes. But maybe it's Allah or Yaweh who hates America.
And this racism. Why are people demanding accountability from Koreans? Because of his race? Lets just send all Asians back to the Orient, right? Then by the same token, fie on you for all the racist crimes and genocides committed upon millions by your grandfathers and greatgrandfathers. And shame on those of you who escaped just to perpetuate racism. Then is it the dumb white folk who send all our men to kill and be killed? Not to mention, how young these soldiers are. And I'm sure the people they kill are nobody's child or parent - these people just grow from spores. No, that's just our dumb ass politicians. Not to mention the ignorance belying the fact that race is a social construction. Nevertheless, bringing up the race issue brings up deep histories. But I suppose everybody is OK with the Columbine incident, slavery, and stealing a whole country and calling it their own. Why do we need courts when we can lynch people? Why do we bother to call ourselves Americans? Next time a white guy goes and shoots a crowd, lets see the media go out and say, "the one-quarter Irish, one-eighth Norweigian, one-quarter German, one-quarter British, and one-eighth Swedish man walked into a building and open fired on two dozen people." Not gonna happen? Why? Because they're American or because they're white? Funny thing about social constructions. Wouldn't you know it, back in 1922, a Japanese-born man, Takao Ozawa applied for citizenship claiming that under the Naturalization Act, he was in fact a "white person." The historian Barbara Fields said that "Anyone who continues to believe in race as a physical attribute of individuals, despite the now commonplace disclaimers of biologists and geneticists, might as well also believe that Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy are real, and that the earth stands still while the sun moves." I know...I hate to break it to you at such a saturnine moment, but yes, those three are fictional.
Was this shooting even racially motivated? Do you think it was retribution or karma? If such a thing does in fact exist, then we're all in for some serious shit. All the spirits of the massacred Jews, Serbs, Native Americans, Armenians, Africans, Christians, Muslims, Pakistanis, Afghans, Bosnians - and tragically, the list goes on and on and on - are gonna come and deliver some serious retribution that will make Auschwitz and Hiroshima look like a quinceaƱera. So if you want, drop to your knees and beg your favorite deity for forgiveness or whatever it is and find yourself a Noah to build you a Titanium ark loaded with wooden stakes, garlic, silver bullets and anything else that can bring you a false sense of security. He who is sinless shall cast the first stone, but we've all sinned now haven't we.
Sure, what this kid did was sad and despicable, but why perpetuate the hate. What good is a blind world?
The Truth About Good Girls
8 years ago
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