1. what's your greatest weakness?
2. what is something you've learned in the past year?
3. what frustrates you most?
4. what are the 5 most important things to you?
5. you order two entrees and both arrive at the same time. one is served at 38F and the other 173F. which do you eat first?
6. what do you respect most about people?
7. what is 9*7?
8. who/what has most shaped who you are today?
9. how important is timeliness to you?
10. how punctual are you?
11. do you like pets?
12. where is your favorite place?
13. what is your favorite color?
14. what is your favorite ice cream flavor?
15. what is your favorite food?
16. what makes you happy?
17. what makes you angry?
18. what irritates you?
19. how would you spend a free day?
20. describe a perfect day.
21. are you vengeful?
22. you just won the lottery. what's the first thing you do?
23. what's the greatest adversity that you've faced?
24. how many hours do you sleep?
25. what's the weirdest thing you do?
26. what are your thoughts on boogers?
27. how adventurous are you?
28. how risk averse are you?
29. google or apple? alibaba or baidu stock?
30. you have $1 million to invest in the stock market; what do you buy?
31. you're wiping your nose in the middle of a meeting and a giant piece of snot ends up on your finger. what do you do?
32. saturday @ 4am, server crashes. what backups of the hosting and db are available and where are they stored?
33. you need to buy a vacuum cleaner and it's $139.99 at sears 8 miles away but $159.99 at target 3 miles away. which do you buy?
34. news at 10: zombie apocalypse. what do you do?
35. it's 6pm and you need to talk to me urgently. how do you reach me?
36. you need to set your scrolling timer to 13 minutes. it's currently at 47 mins. do you scroll up or down?
37. you have to fart in the middle of a board meeting; what do you do?
38. what are 5 things you would never do?
39. friday 6pm: client expected a contract by 5pm, but you just received the final draft from counsel. you sign and need to send out for countersign. you notice a serious material flaw in the contract because you sent the wrong info to counsel. what do you do?
40. friday, 2am. what are you doing?
41. you have $250m to give to charity. what do you do?
42. you're in the middle of marrakesh on vacation. what gifts do you buy and for whom and what do you buy for yourself?
43. what's your greatest regret?
44. [wild card]
45. what's the difference among their, they're, and there?
46. what is your most valued possession?
47. if i were to come over to your place right this moment, describe to me what i would see.
48. you lose a bet in a drunken stupor and have to compete in a sahara dune buggy race. halfway through the race across 110+ degree desert dunes, you have to pee and you park your buggy. without thought, you take the keys and lose them along the way. what do you do?
49. correct the following sentence:
The purring noise of a cat, although most people think that cats purr because they are content, is actually involuntary and is not directly related with the emotion of the cat.
A) The purring noise of a cat, although most people think that cats purr because they are content, is actually involuntary and is not directly related with the emotion of the cat.
B) Although most people think that cats purr because they are content, the purring noise of a cat is actually involuntary and is not directly related with the emotion of the cat.
C) Although most people think that cats purr because they are content, the purring noise of a cat is actually involuntary and is not directly related to the emotion of the cat.
D) The purring noise of a cat, although most people think that cats purr because they are content, is actually involuntary and is not directly related to the emotion of the cat.
E) Although most people think that cats are purring because they are content, the purring noise of a cat is actually involuntary and is not directly related with the emotion of the cat.
50. An advertising executive must schedule the advertising during a particular television show. Seven different consecutive time slots are available for advertisements during a commercial break, and are numbered one through seven in the order that they will be aired. Seven different advertisements – B, C, D, F, H, J, and K – must be aired during the show. Only one advertisement can occupy each time slot. The assignment of the advertisements to the slots is subject to the following restrictions:
B and D must occupy consecutive time slots.
B must be aired during an earlier time slot than K.
D must be aired during a later time slot than H.
If H does not occupy the fourth time slot, then F must occupy the fourth time slot.
K and J cannot occupy consecutively numbered time slots.
What is one possible arrangement?
51. teach me something.
The Truth About Good Girls
8 years ago