Wednesday, February 26, 2014


as one of my goals for this year is to be more candid at the risk of being blunt, anyone (in the tech startup space) who thought my digital receipt startup was just about digital receipts is dumb potentially beyond the extent of thinking that mcdonalds is simply a fast food franchise.

it was meant to be a billion dollar marketing analytics company.

think about it, consumer purchasing data.

ad conversion rates based on browsing hardly tops 5%.

now compare facebook likes vs. browsing history (cookie data) vs. purchase history.

we know #2 is worth well into the 12 figures (yes, that's billions, and hundreds of them) and #1 is rapidly proving its worth.

so who's doing #3?  your move.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

paint by imagination

for someone as ocd as i am, i don't know that i've ever properly followed a recipe.

i've been cooking since i was about for about 23 years now.  i used to just walk into the kitchen and throw stuff together and cook.

the palate is like a blank canvas for me, and as you might experiment with color mixing, i mix flavors in my mind and then in the kitchen.


Saturday, February 1, 2014


i trickled away ten minutes of my life today trying to catch a fly - alive, that is. don't get me wrong, squashing it with a swatter crossed my mind. ok, fine, it seemed like a perfect solution to the nuisance. there's just this relief and satisfaction taking an aerodynamically meshed swatter, even with the ensuing microcarnage on the window. especially when you've been chasing it around. ohhh the thrill of killing flies.

but as much as all the shit we've created on this planet - and destroyed - there's something even mary shelley couldn't create on paper. life.

we couldn't breathe life into even an ant if we tried. ever notice how a fly goes to the window? i haven't a clue what a fly does or thinks, but life is life.