Thursday, June 13, 2013


all day every day we are sold mirages.  empty value.

what's the last thing you purchased?  did it truly make you happy?

what value did you exactly receive for your money?  warmth?  fashion?  status?  respect?  intellectual property?  the fact that you employed 0.002% of an 11 year-old sweatshop worker?

what's something you bought 5 years ago?  do you still use it?  is macklemore right?

we are all eskimos buying ice.

are we all wasting time earning fabricated currencies, investing it in fabricated industries, all so we can constantly buy into fabricated idealities to further propagate this cycle?  sure we're creating more and more people which means we need to create more and more bullshit services to sell these people in order to create more money.

total global currency in circulation in 1990 was $1 trillion and by 2002, $2 trillion, and by 2008, $4 trillion.  so if the size of the global finance industry is $955 trillion, what is everyone really selling?  yes, this game of monopoly is getting bigger so we need more monopoly money because i can't buy a house with cheetos, but it's not like i wanted a monopoly house anyway.

clearly i'm an utilitarian rationalist.  if you need me, i'll be chopping wood while seeking enlightenment in a forest.

emotional escape velocity

escape velocity is equal to the square root of 2 times the gravitational constant times the mass divided by the radius.

my metaphysical corollary is the square root of thoughts times emotions all divided by time.

of course, time has a way of making you a prisoner of emotional gravity, so i do mean time spent moving forward rather than living in reverse.