Yes, I am still in Africa, but Africa is neither a superpower nor are superpowers really relevant to my experience abroad.
Sure I spend most of my time thinking, fabricating outrageous ideas, and asking more questions than a 4 year-old with ADHD, but Zambia leaves a few extra hours of ruminating room. So, that brings me to the superpower of flight. If I could have any superpower, I would definitely choose flight - unfortunately not much use in saving the world, but it seems more effortless than elemental transmutation and I would save big bucks on airfare. Take that Delta.
What exactly is flight an aggrandizement of? According to the authority on all knowledge, Wikipedia, different forms of flight are energy propulsion methods, cosmic energy control, energy aura projection, gravitational manipulation, magnetic levitation, molecular manipulation, sonic repulsion field, telekinetic power, thermo-chemical energy, and physical propulsion methods.
Check it out,, because knowledge is power!
Well at least we know if someone completes their physics dissertation on superhuman abilities, I'll read over it.
Think about it. Both.
The Truth About Good Girls
8 years ago