so i finally burned out my WD primary master drive today. fortunately, i have a dozen other drives. but i suppose the point is that a flame can't burn with such intensity forever. it's bound to burn out.
i may be absurdly obstinate, but i'm not stupid. so in a way, today marks the downsizing of my life. i'll try to start by managing my time more effectively and efficiently, not work as much and spread myself so thin, and just trim the fat. no more 30 and 40 hour days. and maybe, just maybe, i'll catch more than 2 or 3 hours of winks at a time.
so with this move from my server tower to my desktop begins my costly and uphill path to simplification. trout may swim upstream, but the road less traveled is certainly becoming more trite than imagined. i'll let the currents carry me for a bit after.
The Truth About Good Girls
8 years ago